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In accordance with article 10 of the Act respecting early childhood centers and other childcare services, there is a parents' committee at the Daycare - Pre-kindergarten L'Envol made up of five people elected by and among the parents of childrens who are received at the Daycare - Pre-kindergarten L’Envol.

  • CLSC of the plateau Mont-Royal (vaccination center): 4625 Lorimier av. ; Tel: (514) 521-7663

  • Médic-Aide Clinic : 4505, Lorimier av. ; Tel: (514) 524-3039

  • Medical Clinic : 1851, Sherbrooke Est road, Bur. 101 ; Tel: (514) 524-7564

  • Medico center Mont-Royal: 4689, Papineau av. ; Tel: (514) 521-5555

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